Dermason Oturak

Rated 4.50 out of 5 based on 2 customer ratings
(2 customer reviews)


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Phonetically pronounced: der-ma-son o-too-rock

Beans in Dermason category are signature dry beans of Erzincan, a town in Eastern Turkey. In Turkey, dry beans are typically used to make stews, cooked with choice of meat that varies depending on the region and are usually cooked with onions and tomato paste.

Dermason Oturak is a bush plant that produces excellent yields of flavorful beans that melt in the mouth when cooked. Seeds mature relatively earlier than many dry bean varieties we grow on our farm.

Please note that we typically soak our dry beans in water overnight, before cooking them the next day.

Packet has 20 seeds

Reviews (2)

2 reviews for Dermason Oturak

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    Alexandra Eninsche

    What is the typical number of days till harvest for this bean?

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      chance2012 (store manager)

      This is a mid-season dry bean. Comparatively speaking, seeds mature earlier than many dry bean varieties we grow on our farm.

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    Rated 4 out of 5

    Sierra Casselman (verified owner)

    Great little bush bean, but I let them dry out a bit too much and didn’t get many beans.

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    Rated 5 out of 5

    Mehmet (verified owner)

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