Commercially introduced by Two Seeds in a Pod Heirloom Seed Co
Seed crop 2014
This is a very unique Turkish melon that we pulled from the Seed Savers Exchange’s Turkish collection. Crunchy fruits are oval, light green with dark green stripes on them, weigh less than 1 oz and are generally size of a ping pong ball. This variety is not sweet and is great for pickling. General category of Soma’nin Kederi is Kelek (meaning melon for pickling) in Turkish; however, we never saw such a small Kelek variety before. Soma’nin Kederi has very good yields and offers mid-season harvest. Our special thanks go to the SSE’s Collection Technician (Germplasm Storage and Distribution) Aaron Burmeister (as of 2013) who sent us the seeds.
Turkish synonym: Soma’nın Kederi
Each package contains 10+ seeds
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