
Mehmet Öztan, Ph.D.

Mehmet is a Turkish seed saver and has a passion of growing the seeds of Turkey. Since he quit his engineering career to co-found Two Seeds in a Pod in 2013 in Tampa, FL, he has grown and documented hundreds of seed varieties of his motherland. A majority of the seeds you browse in our seed catalog is grown, harvested and processed by Mehmet. He  works at West Virginia University as part-time faculty, exploring creative ways to spread the love of seeds and engage communities for preserving agrobiodiversity.

Amy Suzanne Thompson, Ph.D.

Amy is the co-founder of Two Seeds in a Pod. She processes many seeds you browse in our catalog, and she is involved with everything artistic about our company. She is a linguist by training, and currently the chair of the Department of World Languages, Literatures and Linguistics at West Virginia University. In her free time, she helps with many tasks on the farm from fixing fences to building shelves.

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